We recently put together a list of the products available at our market, for a press release. When you actually put it all down on paper, it’s kind of astonishing!
So, let us remind you, too:
- maple syrup, honey
- fresh coffee (by the cup or pound)
- peaches and other fruits
- pasture-raised meats (beef, pork, lamb) along with bacon, sausages, salamis
- so much produce and fresh herbs
- flowers (bouquets and singles)
- poultry, and eggs
- cheeses (goat, cow and sheep)
- pesto, pickles, and sauerkraut
- jams, jellies, and preserves
- breads and other baked goods (savory and sweet)
- wine, beer, fresh lemonade (soon, cider)
- Specialty (smoked salt, pumpkin seeds, pâté)
- prepared foods (to-go and on-site)
- body products and more!