Sam and Vanessa shared some of their story with us recently:
We knew from the start that Pym Farm would only survive if our beef tasted better, far better, than what you can buy at your local store. That’s why we chose Red Devon cattle, a breed that fattens very well on grass and produces beef of outstanding flavor. That’s important to our customers, because they love to cook.
Raising animals humanely with the highest possible quality of life – the life they are meant to lead – is essential to us. Our cattle live outdoors all year long (they like that! In winter they have windbreaks, but they don’t go indoors – the sudden change from cold to warmth would make them susceptible to pneumonia).
They eat grass all summer, hay in winter. They are never fed grain. Last, the way we farm improves the land. We practice rotational grazing, moving the cattle every few days to a new pasture. This encourages the rapid growth of new leaf and helps sequester more carbon in the soil. Indeed, studies have shown that rotational grazing is even carbon-positive. Our fields are noticeably more fertile, insects and worms more numerous, bird species more diverse, since we started Pym Farm in 2016, here in Hillsdale NY. All our animals are born and raised on our farm.
Our Red Devon beef has a depth of flavor you won’t find in grain-fed or mass-produced beef. Whether steaks or braising cuts or ground beef, this beef tastes different. Our loyal customers tell us that our beef is the best they’ve ever eaten, even “the only beef I eat.”
We sell beef quarters, which are an excellent way to stock your freezer at a 10% discount! A quarter is about 100 lbs of beef: a mixture of steaks, braising cuts and ground beef, equivalent to a couple of large coolers’ worth. Details at, or email or call us at 917-685-4738 to reserve a quarter. We also sell braising packages in the fall – $135 for 12lbs of pot roast, beef shanks, chuck roast and stew meat.
The Hillsdale FreshTown Supermarket, and the Co-op in Great Barrington MA, sell Pym Farm ground beef. It’s served at the Prairie Whale in Great Barrington, too.
Customers can email us at or text 917-685-4738 to reserve cuts to pick up at the market. In the winter, we sell beef from the farm (by appointment only).