
The Copake Hillsdale Farmers Market operates every Saturday 9AM to 1PM, from May 18-November 23, 2024

We would love to hear from you!

Please get in touch with us by emailing to
copakehillsdalefarmersmarket @

You can also find us on our hopping Facebook and Instagram pages!

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We thank all of the people who volunteer their time and talents to make this farmers market happen!

Market Operation:
Nicole Friedrich (Market Manager)

Heidi Simmons (Assistant Manager, Events and Sponsorship Coordinator)

Laura Griffin (Social media / Newsletter editor, webmaster)

Market Assistants:
Samantha Kilmer & Isaac Patterson


CHFM, Inc. Board:

Ron Bixby (President)
Ron Reinken (Treasurer)
Heidi Simmons (Secretary)
Nicole Friedrich (Executive Director)
Laura Griffin (Director)
Diane Creed (member at large)