Community Guests

As part of educating and supporting the community, Copake Hillsdale Farmers Market provides opportunities for various community organizations to be guests. We welcome guests who best align with the mission of the farmers market. Past guests have included Habitat for Humanity, the Harlem Valley Rail Trail, Ancram Opera House, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Farm Bureau, local authors, and the Roe Jan Library.  We provide a table and chairs, set up near the entrance to the covered barn. The organization is welcome to bring table coverings, signage, a signup sheet and literature. No direct fundraising is allowed.

If you are interested in being a guest, please send an email to our Event Coordinator at

Here are the currently scheduled Community Guests for the 2025 season – many more to come!

May 24: Book signing: Nourish by Terry Walters
July 12: Master Gardener from Cornell Cooperative Extension
August 23: Columbia Land Conservancy