Community Food Programs

This page describes some of the food assistance programs available, through the farmers market and also in the community:


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (commonly known as SNAP or food stamps) is a federal nutrition program that can be used to purchase eligible food items . Visit HERE for a full explanation of how SNAP works at our market — you’ll be glad you did!

Farmers Market Nutrition Program

The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) is designed to provide low-income seniors with access to locally grown fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Those who are eligible are provided coupons to redeem fresh fruits and vegetables at participating farmers markets and farm stands. The program’s purpose is to promote improved nutrition through increased consumption of locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables and expand sales at famers’ markets and farm stands.

FreshConnect checks –

The program was designed to increase the purchasing power of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) consumers by 40 percent while supporting local farmers, farmers’ markets and farm stands.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Joining a CSA has become a popular way to purchase local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. A farmer offers a “share” consisting of vegetables and/or other farm products available weekly throughout the season. This arrangement benefits both the farmer and consumer and is a great way to support our local food system. Some of our vendors offer CSAs. Check with each farm for specific information.
Hawk Dance Farm
Common Hands Farm

Scroll down to learn about:

♥ Roe Jan Food Pantry
♥ Hillsdale Community Blessing Box
♥ “Sprouts” Pantry at Zinnia’s Dinette
♥ Copake Blessing Box at Our Lady of Hope
♥ Columbia County Recovery Kitchen
♥ Philmont Library “Purpose Pantry”
♥ other food pantries in Columbia County

Roe Jan Food Pantry

While we do not collect at the market for the Roe Jan Food Pantry, you are still able to support them by monetary donations or volunteering. To place an order please call, text, or leave a message at 518 441 2789.  The need is great; please be generous if you are able to support the Pantry. Mail donations to Roe Jan Food Pantry, PO Box 475, Hillsdale, NY 12529


Hillsdale Blessing Box

Individuals have created, and support, a “Blessing Box” in the parking lot of the Methodist Church at the intersection of 22/23.
This effort is not related to the Church or to the Roe Jan Food Pantry, it is entirely community driven.

How it works: any time of day, you may drop off food or toiletries (depending on the weather, you can leave perishable food — check the temps.) If you are someone who needs nutritious food, you may come by anytime and take what you or your family needs.  The Blessing Box also maintains a dedicated account at the Freshtown Supermarket — you can go to the front desk in person and ask to place funds in that account. Donations may also be made via the Hillsdale Economic Community Development Corporation, HERE.

“Sprouts” by Zinnia’s Dinette


There is a large green shed located in the parking lot of Zinnia’s Dinette (1843 Route 23 Craryville). You can often view what is available at their Facebook page, HERE. It is stocked with a large variety of dry goods, freshly prepared dishes, and dairy staples. Amy Lawton, owner of Zinnia’s provides much of the food herself. Personal care items are also collected due to SNAP not covering that category. Sprouts is open during Zinnia’s business hours (open every day except Tuesdays).



Programs at Our Lady of Hope Church

From 1-4PM on the last Wednesday of the month, there is a Mobile Food Pantry. It used to literally be drive-through, now guests can come inside the building and make selections. You need to register for this program, which you can do in person or with this form. A recent Wednesday saw 71 local families being served.  On an ongoing basis, you will find a Blessing Box that is available for pick up or drop off 24/7. It is located in the back of the church, on the left side. There are spaces for non-perishables as well as a refrigerator for the rest.  Both efforts are partially supported by the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern NY. Donations to support either the monthly mobile pantry or the Blessing Box may be made by check to Our Lady of Hope, 8074 State Route 22, Copake Falls NY, 12517 (Attention: Mary Burntitus).



Columbia County Recovery Kitchen

About us
Families and individuals throughout Columbia County struggle with food insecurity every day. CCRK is a 501-c3, volunteer-driven organization that prepares and delivers over 1,600 meals a week to vulnerable adults and children at no cost.
What we do
With the generous support of donors and local farmers, our talented chefs and team of volunteers prepare fresh, healthy meals and deliver them all over the county to residents experiencing food insecurity.
How to sign up for meals:
If you or someone you know needs help accessing nutritious food, please contact Pam Kline at 518-965-8051 or email
Volunteer & Donate
Want to lend a hand or learn more about our organization? Please email us at or visit the link below to donate. Visit us at

Philmont Library “Purpose Pantry” & Community Free Fridge

Purpose Pantry stands at the corner of Main Street and Church Street, in front of Purpose Makerspace at 100 Main Street.  Always open, the pantry serves as a community resource where all are welcome to “take what you need, give what you can”.   If you find yourself needing a little extra, see what’s on the shelves. If you’ve bought more than you can use, drop something off. Your neighbors will thank you! This pantry is meant for non-perishables.  Located diagonally across the street from the Purpose Pantry, you can find the community free fridge inside the library during regular library hours. You can find their hours HERE.  You can follow the Purpose Pantry on Facebook, HERE.


Other resources in Columbia County

Catholic Charities Of Columbia & Greene Counties 518-828-8660
Christ Episcopal Church Food Pantry 518-828-1329
Columbia Opportunities 518-828-4611
Rock Solid Church Pantry 518-828-2444
Salvation Army 518-822-1602
Traveling Pantry 518-828-0620 or 518-392-6964
Zion Community Pantry 518-610-1980
Ancramdale Neighbors Helping Neighbors Food Pantry 518-329-7306 or 518-329-5042
Chatham Area Silent Pantry 518-392-7794
Veteran’s Pantry 518-828-3610
Ecumenical Food Pantry 518-755-3176 or 518-392-4627
Philmont/Mellenville Food Pantry 518-672-7911
Columbia County DSS 518-828-9411



Source:  Generosity Group of Columbia County